Monday, October 25, 2010

a couple of announcments

g$ and jason tied at manchester rainy tourney, it poured all day on us down there. but h at didnt slow down g or jason, g won it in a playoff, i played like shit for sure ,

also in da news king of the lake in tahoe will be a national tour event next year, big deal for sure in july, just a few weeks before the worlds in santa cruz,

also fort bragg ice bowl preparations under way, i am looking for people who really want to help out.
my number is 541 490-9321
looking for peeps to do :
donation gathering
help with course layout or improvements to course of anykind
scorecards and flyer layouts
media rep
any and all help will be greatly appreciated
lets do this up better than last year peeps


  1. Thanks for the post Dirka! How many players were there? Were the Oroville guys there? What division was everyone playing? Congrats to G$ for winning the thing. Dirka, when is the Fort Bragg Ice Bowl? Maybe we should have a meeting to discuss details (who is going to do what etc)??

    PS Yoda thinks your cute!

  2. Dirka and Others,

    Have my questions fell on def ears? Is anybody out there?


  3. hey david . i have been out of town and i cant leave blog posts from my phone (or i dont know how)

    i think there were like 26 people or so, yeah the orroville crew was there in force, pretty much everyone played advanced, there was one guy who played open i guess, it was kinda weird he said hed play open and the td said well youll be the only one, and he said well i guess ill play advanced then,but he wound up with the best overall score(-16 for 2 rounds) and that worked for g so he would win adv and there was like 2 rec players, i heard the lady come get the purse and they told me there was 230 for payouts. i thought it was strange that g got 45 bucks for winning when almost everyone was in that division, but i guess they split the $ evenly between all 4 div, which i guess could make sense.

    so there isnt a set date for the IB yet i want to talk to lou and see when his plans are for the stafford IB and the ukiah IB, i think it could be awesome to make like a triple crown type event or something, points and a overall for all 3, just an idea i gots lots of them

    i would love to have a club meeting
    noon on sunday the 7th before tourney?
    does that work for anyone im flexible . lets all throw some dates out if this doest work

  4. Noon on Sunday the 7th sounds good for me...what do others think? Who can make this time for a meeting? Who can't make this time?

