Saturday, October 10, 2009

manchester up date

so im hoping most of you will find time to make it down sat

heres some info:
Manchester Beach KOA Is Proud To Announce the

First Annual Disc Golf Tournament

WHEN: October 17th, 2009 8am (shot gun start)
WHERE: Manchester Beach KOA
ENTRANCE FEE: *$20.00 Includes:
Continental Breakfast, Lunch, Awards Ceremony Dinner
& Cash Awards for First, Second and Third Places

Medals: Gold for 1st Place
Silver for 2nd Place
Bronze for 3rd Place

*Must Sign-Up & Pay Entrance Fee in Advance as Participation is Limited
Non-Participants are Welcome to Join in on the Ceremony Dinner for $9.00
$5.00 for Children 10 years and under


In Celebration of this event, we will be offering 20% Discount off all Kamping sites.
Mention code CG to receive Discount when
making reservations @ 707-882-2375


i would like to see this tourney and

a 18-27 hole night round and

a 18 hole mini round

make up a mfc special 3 part tournament

there also doing a breakast in the morn on sunday

so im hoping yall can camp and maybe we can do the mini round on sunday, or if nobody wants to camp maybe we can do our mini round and our own awards ceremony up here

there are those kozy kabins wich are discounted for the night poker?? liars dice??

what do you guys think??

davey says hes in
jim??, magee?? , hemhaw??linz???


  1. Cant wait D-rooney. I am so gonna win at liars dice. Hope everyone can make it.

  2. davey how was your manchester trip, what did you guys think?

  3. Dirka,

    I hope to make the Sat. tourney! I also have all the lights from the last night round for you guys to use, whether or not I can make the overnight portion. Are you planning to spend the night Saturday, or Friday? And are we having a normal tourney too, or just a normal Sunday tourney at the high school? More details please?

    It's a fun little course, I enjoyed when Davey, AJ, and Nate played it for the first time a few weeks ago. I thought my 10 down might last for awhile as the course record, but Davey went back with Erin, AJ, and...hmm, can't remember the fourth, and shot a 13 down, with an 8 down on the back(!), so that's the new record as far as we know. Bring some short left-to-right shots and a lot of putting...!
