Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Looking for data

I am looking for some data to fill in a few gaps in our tourney history.
If anyone can find the winners of the following weeks, it would be beneficial to my fact-finding efforts:
Nov. 27
Oct. 16
Oct. 2
Sept. 18
Aug. 28
July 17
July 10
June 19
June 12
May 29
April 10
April 3
March 6
Jan. 16
Nov. 21 2010
Nov. 14
July 3
May 25
May 18

I took info off of write-ups and these are the gaps.
Interesting results, but until we get these winners...


  1. Ryan-

    I am interested in your research. I have a feeling that you are doing something similar to something I was thinking of doing. Check the who played and what did they shoot page to the right hand side. It has the scores and winners of (most of) the tourneys. I see the 11/27, 10/16 and 10/2 dates you were looking for.


  2. Ryan-
    Unless mfc'er all keep diaries, those winners are lost. The weekly score sheet exists to avoid gaps and remember the winners. It would have been nice to have those records from the beginning.

    I think I know where you're going with the "interesting results" but I'm sure I'll be back at -8 soon enough.

    Winning in disc golf is not just how well you play, it's how you finish.
