Friday, August 27, 2010

manchester tourney

its happening again this year. sure to have a larger turnout. its gonna go down oct 23rd, i got some flyers to give yall. and big news is 50% off cabins. and night rounds. Lunch will be provided again. Franny will bring cookies!! We got to represent its on the mendo coast after all

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good Derrick, I'm in for sure. By the way I have the plotter up and running and just dyed the first cyber-made logo disc. It came out nice. I'm going to try and get a logo disc dyed for everyone going to Boonville next weekend, but I need discs. Star plastic makes for the nicest dye jobs. Champion works well too. No Pro, DX, or Discraft discs. If you want a disc done by next weekend either bring one to tomorrows tourney or drop one off at Catch a Canoe by Tuesday. Gold and Silver hot stamps are most easily removed. Black is ok too. No Rainbow stamps.
