Monday, August 16, 2010

2010 Boontfling! Pre-Register NOW

Let's do this thang. Apparently it's filling up, so let's make sure we're all in!



  1. This means you!

    If you can't read the flyer, click on it to make it bigger. Cool.

  2. I'm all in! I'm going to camp there...and win the tourney!!! And drink alot!!!
    And bring my family to witness!!!

  3. Oh one more thing- Is there anyway to get email alerts for our blog when someone writes a new post, or comment? I hit subscribe at the bottom right on this page, but it said I will get email about follow ups to THIS comment. Can I get alerts for ALL comments/posts?

    Thank you all so much in advance-
    Matthew Avery "Boonweather"
    Winner, 2010 Boontfling

  4. Last thing- In my intense training regime to break the course record three consecutive rounds at the boontfling, I was practicing some shots at the Fort Bragg course today. (Which is a really bad idea by the way, especially this time of year) Needless to say I lost some discs-
    1 Candy pink champion firebird with many "ace" comments written on back - hole 2
    1 carrot orange surge with my soul woven into it- hole 3
    Needless to say, it you find these, I will give you a foot massage-

    Matthew A(nderson)v(alley)weather
    future 3 time course record setter, boonville disc golf course

  5. Averyweather,

    Winner? For what division? 10 and under girls division? Is Sky your competition? If you want to step up with the big boys I will see you in the Advanced Division.


  6. Jimmerson (or should I say number 1),
    Did you talk with the Brewery? What is the camping scene? Is there free beer?


  7. I'm in. Men's advanced so watch out. If Matthew and I each shoot -15 for the first round then we will be in the running for the -45 overall. Paid online it is really easy.

  8. I'm in. Rye's correct, do it online. Easy as pie. Almost signed up for Advanced Masters....but decided to stick with my homies in Advanced Men's! I'm calling Brewery now about camping.

    Don't delay people! You don't want to be on the outside looking in on this! Have a feeling this might be the tourney of the year!

  9. Matthew,

    I am somehow signed up to get responses to any NEW POST, i.e. new thread. But I don't receive anything when there is a new post, only when there is a ~response~ to the new post. So I always, as I think a lot of people do, write my own first response to any new thread I write, so everyone will get the notice that there is a new thread. If that makes any sense.

  10. There is a way! From the edit-blog page (where you can add new posts, etc), click the "Settings' tab, then click on the 'Email and Mobile' sub-tab. Add your email address to the BlogSend box and you'll get emails when new posts arrive. As far as receiving all comments without subscribing, click 'Settings', then "Comments', then add your email address to the 'Comment Notification Email' box.
    Any questions?

  11. Thanks Linz! And Matthew, I added your email address to both lists for you. Yer Welcome.

    When are we all playing a warm-up round at Boonville???

  12. Jimmer,
    Whats the scene on the camping? When are we going to play Boonville? That is a good question. Let me check in with my better (much) half and see when is good for me. What is good for the rest of y'all?


  13. I called the brewery, and they will be calling me back with an answer as to the camping sitch, as the woman didn't know and had to call her boss. I am thinking, though, that barring their putting everyone in a dusty parking lot, we should probably depend on the camping there. Labor day weekend? Everything will be packed everywhere anyway. We may as well be packed with like-minded people. In any case, I'll post their answer when I get it.

    Has everyone registered????

  14. I might be able to go to Boonville Friday...

  15. I'm IN and registered for the Open...opps I mean Advanced Division...Jimmy, what time Friday are you thinking of throwing? Can anyone else go to Booneville on Friday? I could probably leave the coast anytime after 12noon.


  16. back at my comp finally, i wish i could make it boys but i am already regestered in another tourney ,and i need the nor cal points. for some reason i decided to see how i could do this year in the the nor cal series. which means i need to hit ten tourneys in the series. so i need four more,i wont miss the boontfling next year. good luck i know youll kick ass, wish me luck in the series, and if anyone wants to hit any of these tourneys with me let me know

    tahoe pro/am
    aug 21st and 22nd
    all three rounds at bijou

    end of the trail
    sept 4 -5

    chuck freedlun mem
    sept 11th and 12th

    jelly jam in monterey
    sept 28-29th

    OCT 15-16TH
    black butte lake disc golf course
    onsite camping

  17. Allrighty, I am registered for mens advance!!! (same division as you David s##t talkin D!)
    Jim- did you here about camping yet?
    Everyone- I have my pink firebird back, still no surge...
    Lindsey- from what I gather, putting my email under "comments" sends me new comments, and under "email" sends me new posts. How is this different than the "subscribe/unsubscribe" button? Is it redundant?
    Derrick- where is the chuck freedlun memorial?

  18. Ok, talked to a woman at the AVBC. She seemed to indicate that most if not all of the camping will be in a field beyond the oval turnaround, as this is one of the only places which isn't on the course. She said if the numbers were particularly high, they might try to widen the available camping area somehow (looks like they are cutting registration off at 100 people). She also said that if someone (like me) had young children and were concerned about the "lively" nature of the camping scene, they might be able to find a quieter spot for those campers. So they sound pretty cool over there. If I end up camping Saturday night, I'll camp there.

    By the way, we could probably use a second tent. Does anyone have a spare?

    And how is Friday (tomorrow) looking for a potential scouting/warm-up/find-the-Boonville-zone roadtrip?

    Is Erin on the planet? Lindsey? Have either of you registered?

  19. @ matt

    the chuck freedlun mem is in vacaville
    rusty is signed up in adv grandmasters

  20. Hey Guys-
    I'm registered for Boontown and I want in on a practice round.

  21. I'm going to ask Jill about tomorrow, but if I can get free and go to Boonville tomorrow, it would probably best be in the morning. Can anyone else do tomorrow morning? Like, say...leaving Mendo at 10am?

  22. Cool picture! This looks like dusk at Willits...except I can't remember playing Willits at dusk. Night, yes, dusk no...

  23. I can do pretty much anytime tomorrow. Where is RyeBread in all this Booneville chatter and Jimmy when the hell are you going to know forsure? 2kidsweather, have you found a babysitter? Can anyone babysit for Parky? Hemulous, can you play tomorrow?


  24. I'm out here in NY and they never heard of frisbee golf. Nice to hear we are all signed up and ready. Is Nate dizzy in? AJ? G? I'll be home on Wed. night and could use the warm up round before the labor day weekend. Let me know what everyone is thinking.

  25. Who never heard of Frisbee Golf? Long Islanders or the normal New Yorkers? Anyways, RyeBread when are you wanting to play? I am thinking about trying to play a Booneville round on Wednesday at 3, 3:30ish. Who can play at that time? I have to be somewhat punctually because I have to pick a kid up in Ukiah at 6pm. By the way who won yesterday? Who came in second? Who had the best round? Cheers!
