So I am hear to gladly boast Jody taking the win this windy Sunday. She is the first female to win one of our MFC tourneys. She also broke the woman's tourney record and her personal best game ever. My sweetie. I am so proud.
It was a relaxed start to the game. We got started promptly at 4:15 or so. If I can remember correctly it was Jody, Linz, Nate, D- Roc. Davey the Oral Hygienist, and myself Bryan "to good for a single so I will take a double and a triple bogey"Brody. We also had a special guest for the first 10 hole, the Dean from the College came down and joined us. He is the one responsible for the new course and a MFC recruit. We also had a "special" guest for the back 9 as well. This was a less friendly guest, I believe his name was Marco and he decided who lives and dies. But never mind Marco this is about Jody.
Jody rocked the front nine shooting even and putting the preasure on. She held on to the lead even with Davey checking the card and nipping at her heels. One of Jodys highlights was blasting a drive on 10 that went as far as the end of the bleachers and wrapping up a easy 3. The big show was saved for the end where she almost aced 18, but parked it for the bird instead. All in all she just kicked some ass. Derrick and Davey tied for second and played CTP on 12 for the 5 bucks at stake. D took some tree love and walked away with his 5 bones.
We are leaving for a few weeks. Hope all the tourneys are wonderful and exciting. On another note Derrick put up a new record at the College of a -5. Good luck taking that one down guys.
As someone who is living vicariously through Bryan's description--and also through Davey-the-Dentist, who related the round to me--I am immensely happy for Jody, and immensely happy for the MFC!! For Jody, because I know how frustrated she was after her round last week, when she played so well for 16 holes, only to let it slip away. And happy for the MFC because we are so lucky to finally have some chicks playing with us now, and even luckier to have our first chick winner! AWESOME. I only wish I had been there to see it! I will also pat myself on the back for my prophecy that the chick record was going away. I could feel that round coming on! It sounds like there was more to talk about, Marco-wise, but maybe best to leave it there. I missed everyone, and was sad to have had to skip it this week. Yee Haw!!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I can't wait until the cherubic picture of Jim is replaced with the inevitably more angelic photo of our new winner!
ReplyDeleteso i was thinkin it would be nice if yall didnt mind waiting till mid august for the next special tourney . that way brody will be back and ill have a little more time to set it up. it should be a lot af fun im workin on some ideas