Wednesday, July 22, 2009

CR weekly

Hey yalls,
AJ is calling for random doubles, Thurs. @6.
Fort Braggarts represent.
Norte es mas fuerte.


  1. To Rye Bread representing AJ,

    I'm in! I will see yo punk Bragger assess later.


  2. Sorry we did not make it to the CR tourney. We are up in Or. and would love a update on what went down.

    Jody is entering her first "big" Tourney. It is a chick flick and she is playing in the intermediate div. I have signed on to be her caddy and I get to play in a doubles caddy only round. Pretty excited. This all goes down a week from Sat. @ Hornings Hideout in Portland. We will post pics and details afterward. Cant wait to get back down.
    See you all soon.

  3. Buena suerte, Jody! & HAVE FUN!
