Thursday, March 22, 2012

extra extra read all about it

soooo excited for this. lets get a club banner made before this event. and lets get a group site!!

Hosted annually by the United Flyers of Sonoma, The UFOS Pro Am Jam Disc Golf Tournament is held the first weekend in June. This is a “B” tier PDGA and NorCal sanctioned event for both professional and amateur level players that has drawn participants from as far away as Hawaii and Florida. It is easily one of the most popular disc golf events in Northern California.

Now in its’ seventeenth year, the Pro Am Jam this year moves to what we hope will be its’ new home at beautiful Lake Mendocino, a California Recreation Area managed by the Army Corps of Engineers. In this location, we have access to four disc golf courses:

  • Lake Mendocino, South. An 18 hole course fairly close to the lake entrance.
  • Lake Mendocino, North. Currently a smaller 9 hole course, it is in the process of being expanded to 18 holes as well and may evenwill be ready by the tournament date in 2012.
  • Mendocino College. An 18 hole course with multiple tee positions, that is only a short distance from the lake.
  • Low Gap Park. a Mendocino County park with 18 holes located just across from Ukiah High School.

The proximity of these courses give us the opportunity to accommodate more players and perhaps migrate the Tournament to an “A Tier” event at a later date.

The fact that there is nearby camping at a very reasonable rate is another plus for the venue change.
Campsites are $25 per night and eight persons are allowed per campsite. These can be reserved by calling
ReserveUSA or visiting their website.

Because this event fills up early, online registration is stronglyrecommended.

Details for the 2012 Event

We will be using both the North and South Courses for this year’s event. For 2012 we will not be using Mendocino College or Low Gap.

After touring both areas, we have determined that Tournament Central will be located at the Pomo “A” day use site near the North Course. This tournament will be the first time that Mendocino North will be played as a full 18 hole course. The preview we received today assures us that Mendocino North will be a very technical and challenge 18 holes of golf. This area is also closer to the lake.

Are you a U.F.O.S or D.G.O??

As the U.F.O.S. have reserved an entire loop in the Kyen Campgrounds, if you are a U.F.O.S, you have first pick of these sites direct through this page at a rate of $10 per person per night. This area has restrooms and showers. If you wish to camp in the U.F.O.S. reserved area, you mustregister online at this site. The PDGA site online registrations will NOToffer the camping option.

Not a U.F.O.S or wish to have an individual campsite for your family??

If you prefer to make your own camping arrangements, other areas are available at $25.00 per campsite per night through ReserveUSA either through their website or by calling the number listed at the bottom of this page.

Recommended Campsites include:
Kyen Campgrounds (sites 48-60) Next to North Course and to the U.F.O.S. loop (sites 61-67)
Kyen Campgrounds (sites 39-47 & 69-72) further away from the course & tournament central.
CheKaKa Campgrounds (sites 1-13,15,17,21) Adjacent to South Course. Restrooms, No Showers.
There are, of course, other campgrounds at the lake, but they are further away from the action.


  1. Two words: Fuck. Yes.

    - Wip

  2. I cannot read the post because I am not a bitch.
    Seriously though sounds great. I will be there. I am a little confused. I know it is a new site for the KOA tourney, but is it also the same tourney as the "Norcal showdown" put on by the Disc Golf Outlaws?
    We should connect with some other local clubs more closely to help spread info/fun about disc golf.
    There was one other thing to but I forgot it....
