12/25/11 Holiday Christmas Frolf (or better known as Disc Golfers Anonymous) saw 9 participants: this writer (ds), Jimmers, Hems, Jubilee, G, Rye Bread, Rye Bread's bro-in-law MattyIce, Devan Hemmings (for the back 9), and little Ace Eldridge (Auden). Slight north wind maybe shifting at times didn't appear to take it's toll on many a players on this glorious day. We all played on one card and Jubilee (who is getting a lot of strokes) birdies hole 1 knocking down a stellar putt from the woods. Play continued and it appeared as if Rye Bread was walking away with the thing until the back 9 where G-Money came alive. While G and Rye Bread battled for the victory this writer had his eye on the number 1 tag. I was one stroke up on G for the overall victory when he parred 17 and I layed up for a bogey. We both went through the uprights and both of our discs rolled a good distance from the basket. I layed mine up and G ran his and it barely chained out leaving us both at -11 and leaving me with the number 1 tag and GeZee with the number 3 tag. I must say that G shot out of his head! There were several birdies on 18 such as Bread (don't count this guy out), Jimmers, and I think Ace Eldridge with the Banshee he stole out of my bag. Nice Work Lil Ace!
Results: G wins by shooting 9 under his handicap and Bread comes in 2nd shooting 7 under his handicap. Nice work fellas.
I now head to the Arizona Desert to spend time with family and my new nephew, Sylas. I will bring the MCFC spirit and the number 1 tag to a disc golf course in Tucson, AZ and represent and kick some desert arse!
Can someone put a picture of GeeZee on the blog? Nice win G!