Sunday, October 23, 2011

2012 icebowl right around the corner

Yes boys and girls the icebowl is fast approaching. i got big goals for this year. most of all im just hoping to make it bigger and better than last year. More money donated , more food gathered and more fun had by all. I got a good feeling that we will be able to get more golfers out here this year. ive been spreading the word at nor cal tourneys and think at least a few of my buddies out there will make the trip. There is a lot of work to be done and getting a head start is a good idea. so who wants to help. im hoping the club will step up again this year and help raise this years event to another level. so please contact me if YOU want to help. ive learned a lot from the past few years, most of all that a good tourney requires a lot of good people. one thing that comes to mind innitially is the raffle if we could gather some awesome raffle prizes early we could sell tickets early to anyone who wanted to buy them, not just disc golfers but anyone who wanted to support the cause, we kind of did this last year and i think it helped but if we get the raffle prizes together earlier i think we could sell a lot more tiks. just one idea, and i got a lot of them . hows bout you guys any ideas to make it better. or any volunteers for tasks.


  1. D-Roc (Ice Bowl King),
    I am willing to help with what you want me to help with. Meeting? Thanks Dirks for organizing this event.

    Davey D

  2. judging by the response to my post im not real sure who is interested ( besides Davey) BUT, the ice bowl will be on feb 18th this year, flyers to come shortly im hoping we can discuss it sometime during the weekend of the dark n weather tourney
