Winnie McWinnerson Parky Parkerton (or simply Matthew) shot a stellar bogey free -9 (6 under his handicap) round to take the gold on Sunday. There were rumbles and shouts of, "Purple Rock". There were songs being sung about it referencing Prince. There were also whispers in the other groups (including my own) of, "what is this Purple Rock"? A new kind of crack rock with hints of purple in it? A nickname of a Cal Bear Football Player? An entry in the Cannabis Cup? Little do folks know that the Purple Rock is Parkeeloko Gold's new putter. Anytime this disc is released from Putterton's hand someone somewhere in the world says, "Purple Rock". Has anyone checked the weight or legality of this fierce weapon? I think not, and much like a Giants game not to long ago I, David Todd Stein, am putting this disc golf round under protest. That's right you heard it hear first a protested game!! Well, just like the Giants ended up winning that game and going on to win their first round of the National League playoffs I am already conceding this protest and saying congratulations to Winnie and his magic Purple Rock.
Can someone, anyone post the scores and maybe a picture of Prince or Mateo Rockerton for the blog's front page?? Once again, I really need to learn how to post pictures...
We all saw this coming with Matthew's purple roc play. What I can't believe is that he fended off an on fire UTM with a -5. Conditions were great but my affection for Korean BBQ and time with my family won out. I wish I could have been there for this round. My inlaws are coming to town and could make my return to frolf even more delayed. See yiz out there.
ReplyDeleteHILARIOUS! I love it. Is that Cody Rossweather or Pardy Ross?
ReplyDeleteWow thanks for the Frolf/giants tribute- It is interesting to note that giants fans were pacing the parking lot as the giants were down to their final out and Viola! we start playing disc and they come back to win...
ReplyDeleteCongrats to UTM for his all time best! Usually that is enough to win.
BTW I assume Erin did up this picture- a couple questions- If I am Juan Uribe (I think) with batting gloves on and Torres has his batting helmet on, why is brian wilson on the field? pinch running?
and where is my "fear the Beard"?
Yeah your Uribe, which is why I had to make your head bobble sized.
ReplyDeleteKara just pointed out the brilliance of the new moniker "Parkeeloko Gold."
ReplyDeleteThank you, David.
Far be it for me to praise anyone. For anything. But it occurred to me that something happened last week that, I AM INCREDIBLY DISAPPOINTED TO NOTE, is historic and may never be repeated: I believe, and PLEASE TELL ME IF I AM MISTAKEN, that Matthew pulled a threepeat. He won the Tuesday doubles, the Thursday doubles, and the Sunday tourney. Uh. That's pretty good.
ReplyDeleteNice job Matthew.
I just tried to write those last three words in REALLY small type, but it wouldn't copy over. Damnit.
I believe it would have been the second three-peat but the first in one week. Does a doubles win apply to the record? I vote yes so that I can have some company up here. Be excellent to each other and Frolf on.
ReplyDeleteMatthew's feat is NOT equivalent to Rye McBread's immortal Sunday tourney three-peat, so I am afraid that in that regard, sir, you will continue to have no company up there. Much as the Miami Dolphins have no company in the world of undefeated NFL teams, and have already drunk their champagne this year.
ReplyDeleteIt is, however, a three-peat of a different kind, and therefore worth noting, I thought. Unfortunately, Matthew was not able to play Tuesday doubles, and so did not make an attempt at the four-peat. Something I think he may regret in years to come, when, sitting in his rocking chair, he tells his great grandchildren the story...
"And Great-GrandDad...did you put up a valiant effort to win the fourth in a row? Did someone have to play an extraordinary round to finally beat you? Did it come down to one barely-missed putt, or one incredible shot? Were you injured? What HAPPENED??"
I felt it necessary to chime in gents. A threepeat of this kind has been had by at least one other man...Erin HemHaw Hemulous. Hey a big shout out to Dirka at the Norcal Championships and Hemulous at "Big E in the Desert". Good luck guys and bring home some gold, plastic, and/or money. Everyone send good thoughts those guys' way.
I don't think Erin won three in a week, right, since they just started the three-in-a-week thing a few weeks ago? If you mean he won three tourneys in a row, including just Sundays and Thursdays, that might be right, I don't know? I'd like to hear confirmation from E on that one...
ReplyDeleteI am very flattered to be mentioned in the same breath as Ryan "The Freak" Magee and his magical 3-peat. I am just happy to actually make a little $ at tourneys. A couple ?'s though- is it really true that Ryan has the only 3-peat- I feel like, at the dawn of time A.D. (after disc) (assuming time started we started playing disc) there might have been one or two others (for some reason Aaron Brun pops into my head). The other is, must they be consecutive victories, or simply 3 in a row by a player. I.E. if a tourney is missed do to illness, family matters, birth, gout, too much IPA, etc. does the streak end, or is it only for a certain player, like a winning streak for a starting pitcher. I seem to remember (and will assuredly be verbally abused if incorrect) that in Ryan's "miracle of '08" there was a doubles round played in the midst of the streak due to wind/lack of turn out. If Ryan and his partner don't win that tourney, does the streak end?
ReplyDeleteJust some critical issues facing our community that I thought we should discuss.
I have updated handis, and I will bring a copy. See ya all at 4ish.
ReplyDeleteShould we change start time for next week?