In a rough and tumble round which somehow managed to take 3 solid hours to complete, the one and only Uncle Travelin' Matt came out on top, with a score of 1 under his handi! Great work Unc! Three went to the top o' th' world to prove their worthiness to possess the second place prize at even par after handi: Bread of Rye (nice to have Daddy Ryan back in the fold!), Nate Dizzle, whose handicap was unclear but who went up nonetheless, and yours truly. I got off a worthy effort and split the uprights for a birdie and the prize. It was a fine afternoon, good company all around, and all was right with the world.
Oh, and the #1 tag was pried out of Erin's death grip for the first time ever. ;-)
And the scores...
Greg +4
Jeremy +6
Ryan -1
Matthew +2
Nate +6
Lindz +7
UTM -1
Jim -6
Erin -5
Yea! da man. It was a fun to watch you and mr hemmings duke it out. Quite the showdown. I can't wait till I am good enough to go head to head with you guys :) congrats on the tag!