Monday, June 1, 2009

Derrick took the Gold!

Wow, what a round! The 31st day of May of the year 2009 saw 6 determined Frolfers set there sites out on the gold medal in Willits for sort of a warm up round for the big KOA Pro/Am Jam. Before I get onto the round I hate to tell y'all who have been putting single dollar bills into the ace pot that this lump sum of money no longer exists for the taking because Derrick "You will never see me without this sweatshirt" D-Money had a beautiful thumber ace on hole 8 (the short up shot) in Willits. There was never a doubt that this rifle wouldn't be heard throughout Willits and the greater Mendocino County. Congratulations to Derrick who claimed $102 and his second ace in tournament play. Well, onto the round that saw the return of both Brody's and maybe one of Roy's last tournaments becuase of work committments. Other notable players included this writer and Erin "HemHaw" Hemmings. After 15 holes there were 4 players in contention but after Derrick birdied 17 it was pretty much in the bag. Erin and/or I (dentist) had to birdy hole 18 to tie Derrick. I had about a 100 foot putt/upshot that I gave everything I had but it hit the basket and didn't go in. Erin had a 60 foot putt that went too high...Derrick takes the gold. I took home second with shooting the best overall round of the day (you know I have to toot my own horn when I can) with a -4. Thats all folks until Willits.



  1. It was a fun day Willits! Thanks for the write up Davey. Sad news alert. I registered on may 28th for the KOA, but was notified today that I was too late. I asked to be on a list in case of any no-shows, but no list exists. I feel stupid for missing the cutoff. Sorry guys.

  2. I as well missed the deadline and I am very sad as well. I will be there for moral support and if anyone needs a caddy. haha. Why wont they just take our money and let us play. Its not like we were late. Damn and double Damn.

  3. That sucks guys. Did you pull the "we are Mendo Locals" trick? It must not be the same tournament directors as last year because last year I was late and they let me enter. Fuck!

  4. hey guys this is the TD,s number 707-477-2468 i dont know his name, maybe u could call him and beg,bribe him to let u in
