Well folks, Sunday sucked. That is, if you were me, or Roy.... Now if you were Jim, Vince, or Larry- Sunday kicked ass! For me, it was hand numbingly cold, my feet were wet along with the rest of me, and I was stupid enough to play the whole round with one disc for.... fun?!
We had more than 10 but less than 15 players, all anxious to tee du to the pelting rain. At my request we split into three small groups and succeeded in playing one of the quickest tourneys ever. I started my round badly and felt like going back to the parking lot and hiding under a tailgate, which Yoda had already wisely done. I stuck it out chain out after chain out, while Jimmy tallied his birds. There was little banter in our group and groans from the others. That is until hole # shorty.
ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE! Vince makes his presence known with a flick through the tree line and into the bucket on 13. The $68 pot takes him outta da red. As far as I know that was the first flick ace on this hole. Nice one!
After we started to conglomerate around the uprights, whispers and eyebrow raises pointed the probable win in Roy's direction. He shot a tourney best -2bh which with a +4 handi would have won it with a -6. That is if his handi was +4! For some strange reason his handicap had actually changed from last week?! +3 was the new hc and it dropped poor Roy one behind Heavy Metal Larry. Cheer up, second place ain't so bad. This was Larry's first tournament win, and we were all stoked for him. Ironically he was going to sit this tournament out because he, "Hates to play in rain." Which I doubt is still true ehh Larester? Jim took the overall purse with an uncontested -8, while I shot my tourney worst -4. I think all who played on this nasty winter day were proud to carry the tradition of no tournaments canceled.
A full write up is in order, but a sneak peak at the Ukiah ice bowl results show 4 of 6 Mendocinians in the money. Derrick or Tom how bout a synopsis?
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