Friday, January 23, 2009

A question for the Mendo Frolfers.

This is Bryan again and I had a question for everyone involved in getting the course set up at the high school.

Here is our scenario:
There is a existing course in Hood River. It is not very old, they have just added the baskets within the last 6 months or so. A set of 9 nice baskets! Erin I do believe has actually seen this course and knows the pain I am in. It is very close to 3 roads one being I-84. It is a very small piece of land and the holes cross over each other all the time, non stop really. They thought some holes out, but others are just asking for a accident. To boot it has so much poison oak. The Hood River Rec. Dept. is willing to talk to me about moving it and the best location I can come up with is neighboring the high school. I think there is a great potential, because it is already a hiking trail and designated rec area.

So my question to all of you is "Can the high school and rec area share the disc golf course? What actions did you take to get the course on the land at MHS? Is the "B"course ok'ed by someone or is it just a "unspoken rule"?

I will post pics of the exsisting course and maybe a few of where I hope to move it to. Any help would be great. Thanks again Erin for setting this wonderful blog up for us to use!

See you all soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brodys-
    Glad to hear that you may take charge of Hood River Course. Lindsey and I played it, and noticed a few of the many problems it has. I would like to help out as much as I can. When my Dad and I came up with the design for the High School course we set up a meeting with the principal and superintendent and proposed the plan which they accepted. The school ended up funding about a third of the cost,with the other 2/3rds being from donations. The "A" course is entirely on high school property. The "B" course uses state park land unofficially. I don't believe any course in California is on State Park property, although that trend doesn't seem to be true in Oregon. Let me know if you have any more questions.
