Monday, August 29, 2011

wheres my updates

Man you guys are really slackin!! how am i supposed to keep up with all the drama if no one posts the results, weren't we gonna make a routine of the 2nd place guy doing a write up or something, anyways ill tell ya a little about the stafford lake pro am, first round everything was in short positions, 24 hole and really not short at all, i had a good first round and was sitting pretty good , the 2nd round they moved a lot of the pins farther out making it pretty long, somehow do to a mistake i was put on the lead card when there was 1 or 2 guys ahead of me but i didnt mind it was my first lead card experience in adv, then i shit the bed pretty hard, it was sooo hot and exhausting playing this course twice in one day a physical challenge to say the least, fell way back after that round, there was camping at the course but it was pretty late (almost dark) by that point so we just hung out with some golfers and then past out in our tents, jason clapp did really well the first round too iu think he was in 2nd place after his first round but suffered a fate similar to mine to fall back a little after the second round i believe he finished pretty well though like 6th or so in adv masters, i learned a lot and feel like i will be able to hold my own in this division before to long, the last round was sooooo long like 6 or 7 holes that were over 500-600 one that is over 1000, really long and tough uphill over trees brutal layout, kicked my arse for real, what i failed to think about was everyone was getting hammered and if i could of held on just a little better i could of finished way better, ii think a few mcfcers are heading south to visalia to play this coming weekend so i wont be at sunday tourney again : (

but i hope to read all about the action here on the blog, i hope we can get a crew together for vacaville its fun and pretty close guys, erin ill buy you in if i get 1/2 your winnings : )

peace out and frolf on

Friday, August 19, 2011

MCFC Jones!

Hey guys just wanted to say The Brodys are missing their favorite disc golf club of all time! Jody just kicked some major girl butt in her first Advanced PDGA showing taking 3rd and shooting her two best rounds ever. I caddied for her and had a blast watching her hang with these girls. Her and I are both flicking now and really happy to have that shot in our bag. Hope you are all doing well and hope you guys kick some Nor Cal ace in the next few months. Hope to see you all sooner than later.
The Brodys

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Hello ladies and gentlemen,
dirka D roc dekendra here with some info on upcoming nor cal series tourneys, first off this ones right around the corner and not really far away,stafford lake is really close folks its not a nor cal event but who cares right lets go play this awesome course that is right around the corner

stafford lake open
august 27th-28th
novato ca

the next one is really far away but it is at a REALLY nice park with two courses, this park is over 100 years old and has 100 different species of trees , there is on site camping. j clapp , starkweather , and myself are all planning on going already lets get some more folks together for this on my summer disc golf tour is the gold pan , its the 33rd year for this event folks
its palyed on 3 diff courses around the sac area. it will be a lot of fun. Its the weekend of sept 10th-11th

Gold Pan Open

Sat, Sep 10 – Sun, Sep 11

Rocklin, Auburn and Orangevale, CA

A NorCal Series and PDGA B-Tier EventDownload Flyer

then on the 17th and 18th is one thats a little closer for all u shut ins who dont like to leave the coast

Its a fun one folks and pretty close by,,,,

but then the very next weekend down on the coast where we know how to handle the wind and more comfortable temperatures, fresh from having all the best players in the world stomp all over its improved tee pads and such, is the jelly jam in monterey. Its a ways away but its a good time for sure . there is a sponsor hotel that gives golfers a good deal on rooms and its right across the street from some practice baskets, i think me and my buddy brett might be bringing our girls to this one cause there is lots for them to do in monterey while we are golfin

Jelly Jam at Ryan Ranch

Sat, Sep 24 – Sun, Sep 25

Ryan Ranch Park, Monterey, CA

A NorCal Series and PDGA B-Tier EventRegister Online
then last but not least one of my favorite courses is hosting the nor cal champioships this year im really excited about it

NorCal Championships

Sat, Oct 15 – Sun, Oct 16

New Hogan Lake, Valley Springs, CA

with dubs on the 14th

i believe there is onsite camping for this one as well , its the championships folks lets do this thing!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"B" Rady

Just the facts here folks, just the facts:

1. The sun was shining
2. It was windy
3. 14 players...11 paid
4. 2nd place winner fresh off the softball field: Matt F. shooting +2
5. 1st place winner also shooting the best overall score: The Humboldt Hammer AKA
B-roundBrady Even Par
6. Noone shot under their handicap
7. I not only pooped myself, I also peeed myself but birdied the tone pole hole
8. It was windy

May the peace of the world and light of your souls shine through each of you...Go NFL Football and congrats to Nate Doss for winning Worlds although if Hemmies would of been there it might of been a different story. Go Giants, Go Tigers, Go Lions, Go WNBA, 49ers suck! Viva USA soccer! Pugs Rule! Last but not least - Free Che Guevara and Willy!

Ad Rock (DaveyDingle)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Boontfling 2011

Davey beat me to the punch by about 15 minutes. Don't believe anything you read on his post. The Grateful Dead don't always suck, just most of the time and ACDC rocks harder than anyone but don't have the stage presence of The Who or the virtuoso of Zep. Greatest song ever... "Love and Happiness" by Al Green

For anyone who doesn't follow the drama of the MCFC, you probably aren't reading this blog page. I will assume all of you know what the Boontfling is, and why we celebrate it so vigorously. What you may not know, especially if you did not attend the second annual event, is that the first prize for each division was... BEER FOR LIFE. This is the first tournament that really played to my sensibilities. If you can play the course in the least amount of strokes, in your division, you win a growler that may be filled up for free at the Anderson Valley Brewery saloon. I wanted that prize. I could taste the cold, hoppy flavor of victory right up until the last hole of my second round. I can't say that the cold beer for life didn't play into my melt-down on 7. At the end of the day, Daveythedon'tsayitain'tsoStein was in the lead for AM1 with a -7 and Jim was his closest club rival with a -2. Jason led the Master's division with a -3. Our very own Erin Hemmings was just in the middle of the field for Open (second place as there were only three players). The run for the beer was on and it would end in celebrated and controversial fashion.

Sunday opened with a new format (at least for this neophyte) that had each group going out on hole 1 (the pond) in consecutive tee times. There was some discussion of the pros and cons around the camp the night before, but it did prove exciting. When the scores came in there was movement on the cards. Jim, Matthew and I finished a hole ahead of Davey and the leader card. As it was, Jimmy shot the last five holes -5 and led our card with the best single round score in AM1 of -6 and a weekend total of -8. Matthew and I fought the "Battle of the Chase Card Basement" that ended with an 8.5 rated drive on 20 by yours truly (yes I parked it closer than Jim, a feat in itself) and a birdie to win by 1 (Ryan -2/ Matthew -1 (I love playing with that guy)). With a bit of questioning we found out that none other that Derrick "Dirka" Robbings chimed in with a -5, leap-frogging Matthew and I into 6th place overall. Jason had shored up 1st in Master's as Davey and Erin were finishing up. Davey came in with a respectable score of +/- 0 and lost his lead to Jim and 1st place to Bagger Bagsalot (Jim argued to no avail that Bagger had entered the tournament as an AM2 and got bumped up to AM1 and won the thing with a -9 and should not be allowed to win the BEER FOR LIFE award because of this issue. (If he didn't win, our very own Jim Eldridge would have won the prize.)). Davey took third and got the taster glass, Jimmy second with the pint, Erin got second and secured his pint with a total -19 (the third/ last place open player gave a speech (?) that officially declared Erin the best flick putter within 100ft.) and Jason was the biggest hardware winner of the club with a win in the Master's division and the collection of his growler (Did I mention you get BEER FOR LIFE with that?).
In an important note, our own shirtless Brady (not the shirtless cheater) aced 17 on the fly. Nice shot, I hope it keeps you coming out for more.

Great tourney guys. I thought the best thing about the pay out was that the script could be used for beer in the saloon shop. With a case of IPA cans in stow, I ventured back to the cold, foggy reality of the coast and more of the usual (put the fence up, take the fence down, put the fence up...). I had heaps of fun playing and camping with everyone and look forward to more MCFC tournament sieges. Aloha and let's find a TD for our next Special Tournament.

Miscellaneous Charges, Sancho B. Red, and MCFC Represents!

I had a weird nightmare last night that a troll like figure, an apparition if you will, inhabited one of the MCFC members and made him do things like smoke unknown substances and eat unknown meats. This force continued on and changed all the dice under this MCFC member's dice cup into all 2s. He started with 5 dice but he had 6 2s. This didn't just happen once it happened several times.

The nightmare continued and it must of been the Gnome again because another one of the MCFC members went on to compare ACDC to the legandary bands of Led Zeppelen and The Who. If that wasn't enough the Nymph stated that the Grateful Dead sucked! Was this force attempting to boggle the minds of the MCFC? Well, it worked! Was this "being" attempting to turn the MCFC members against one another? I have a message evil inhabitant, "It could never happen evil force!"

The nightmare continued on and went something like this: I, David Stein, had the lead and was in first place for 2 out of the 3 rounds only to finish in 3rd place and get overtaken by some Sandbagger from Oakland and Birdy Eldridge.

This nightmare suddenly turned into a sweet dream filled with heavenly creatures feeding the MCFC members grapes, earthly bloody steaks, and succulent Mendocino County wines.

The dream continued and reminded me of the good times the MCFC had at the Boontfling 2011: good times, laughter, Dirka dancing, Brady acing, dice, chanting, MCFCes cheering each other on, Davey D going from playing 3 rounds in the past 3 months to coming in 3rd place and having a fridge full of beer, many of the MCFCers placing and winning script, Birdy Eldridge coming in 2nd in Advanced, Hemmies coming in 2nd in Open, J-Clapp coming in 1st place in Masters and having a lifetime supply of growler beer, many MCFCers winning raffle prizes, Parkweather didn't pee on anyone this year and didn't lose his tent, and an overall good time was had by all.

By the way I had some miscellaneous charges on my debit card...about $100...does anyone know about this?
