3rd MFC Meeting
May 25, 2010
1.) Plotter - This topic took up almost all the time of the meeting. Anyone who is not familiar with this topic, please
read this post. Erin presented the cost breakdown for plotter start-up purchase. $199 for the Cricut with free shipping, $20 used cartridge from Ebay, $60 software download. Additional costs include, but are not limited to: $1/yd. vinyl, replacement blades, dye, contact paper. Compared with $900 for hot stamping discs through Innova, the club decided to move forward with the Plotter idea. It was unanimously agreed that :
- The MFC will use its money ($383) for the purchase of 1 plotter & related expenses
- Erin will download the software & be responsible for printing/cutting vinyl for the club on a volunteer basis
- Club members are responsible for purchasing their own discs for dyeing
- Dyeing will happen as a club, as a group, or individual, on a volunteer basis
- Vinyl cutouts beyond the MFC logo, and use of the plotter for public/personal use is not allowed until it can be discussed in a future meeting.
- The potential for making club $ back was also discussed, but nothing was decided
Erin presented the idea that each current club member will receive 1 vinyl cutout & dye job for free as part of club membership, but must supply their own disc. After that, a small Club fee (undecided) will be necessary to cover continued use of the plotter.
2.) shirts - The club decided to pay $40 from our cash to
Hidden Treasures (located on Main Street in Mendocino) for the purpose of converting our logo to a silk screen form. This form will be permanently on file there, and ANYONE can go into Hidden Treasures, purchase a t-shirt, hoodie, or pair of underwear, and for $5?, have the MFC logo silk screened onto it. Volume discounts are available - Derrick offered to take orders for clothing - and the deadline for getting your order in for this volume discount is
SUNDAY, MAY 30 (bring your $$ to tourney!). After that, people are on their own for purchasing silk-screened clothing from Hidden Treasures.
There is also an $80 set up fee for logo embroidery (like for hats) and the club decided to put this off for now.
3.) KOA PRO/AM JAM - Derrick has 3 campsites, and costs per person will be based on how many people are camping. He requests people bring SHADE TENTS & LIGHTS/CHRISTMAS LIGHTS
4.) repair tee signs for hole 5, 9 & 10 - To be done sometime this summer during a future work party. Erin offered to make new t signs for ones that are missing, Nate will donate materials.
5.) bag tag rules - The club discussed current problems arising from Bag Tag challenges. Derrick offered to re-work the rules and repost them. All bag tag holders must follow our Club rules.
6.) tournament - not discussed
7.) ace pot cap discussion - not discussed
8.) changing the club name - The club unanimously agreed that the Club is evolving and expanding, and that changing the name to more adequately reflect the Club's nature is appropriate. Mendocino Coast Disc Golf was mentioned as the possible new name.
9.) club donation pot - Derrick offered to bring a donation pot to Sunday tourney. Any money in the donation pot will feed directly into the Club's treasury funds.
10.) changing Nate's handicap - The Club agreed that due to Nate's injury, he doesn't have to pay tourney fees while he waits for his handicap to better reflect his game.
11.) dues/$$$ - not discussed
12.) pay Jim for bag tags ($77) - Jim graciously offered to postpone reimbursement for the bag tags until a future time when club funds aren't being used to create awesome logo discs and sweet tshirts
13.) pay high school logo winner - DONE